Tax prep software or your own personal tax preparer? Why this question is posed is...maybe software is right for you, but you also may be someone who wants the best of both worlds: low cost alongside a human tax preparer. We've noted below some reasons you should prefer your own dedicated tax preparer:
- you don't like to prepare taxes alone without access to an experienced tax preparer
- you'd like help from a dedicated tax pro, not only during tax season, but also throughout the year
- you have questions about tax matters and/or need help with tax-related financial decisions
- you used H&R Block or a similar "budget" tax prep company, but were not satisfied
- you reside in a distant area and don't have local options to work with a live tax preparer
- you like to have your tax records more organized with secure, online access
- you may receive equity compensation (stock options/stock awards) and would like a dedicated resource for any questions related to these
Given our low fees, eTaxPro provides you with an incredible value on your overall tax preparation and tax consulting needs. Feel free to set a meeting with us, our calender is open for you to set a time with us.